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Forex Trader and Technical Analysis

Much has been said about the technical approach to Forex trading. The graphics are easy to handle because they are directly in front of currency traders in black and white. You can change the trend lines, you can see the support that can change the resistance locally.There is something solid and tangible, it can refer to it and people will see exactly what you see.

It was also noted that the fundamental approach can be equally important. There is no need to use one approach exclusively, most experts will tell you that it is only an approximation, as an eyelid with one hand. You can do it – but why do you want? The additional difficulty is the introduction to the basics, if you have all this information, what you do with it? It’s not like the message traders Forex, if the EUR / USD, or whether, benefits, or even briefly, completely out of the forex market. The analysis takes all.Obviously, reading charts and a lot of analysis increases, but always seems to draw a little less ethereal than fundamental analysis.

For example, the summer months at this time, the market for a slow and steady seems despite all the messages out. The foreign exchange market seems to react to anything in particular, and the reason would be to most experts, is simple, because it’s summer. The money is on vacation. However, summer is almost over and the market drivers are at the door ready for a new season of emotion (television executives promise the same thing, by the way). So if that happens, something that Forex traders can do nothing but read the news (which by the time you read, you’re in the market), and act accordingly? And who is this “money” everyone keeps talking about, and how is the humble forex trader must know what they are doing?

It turns out that the so-called “big money” institutions are not invisible and not acting under the radar in its different moods. The United States Government is not possible. The Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) required to file reports and any other average Joe forex trader has a degree of access to these reports. The CFTC Commitment of Traders report published every Friday. This report is useful for currency traders, as it tells you what the “big money” and what is their position that requires the government due to their large positions. As can be black and white, which can make people (and / or institutions) and act accordingly.

The report include changes in open interest, along with significant changes in net positions. If you can see that each has left behind in a coin to go sometime soon have to sell. Only makes sense that a market reversal is just around the corner. You do not have to jump the gun and before them, but there is nothing wrong with being one of the first on the train, if you happen to see it.

Here is the sentiment of the market is on everyone’s lips. It’s no secret that makes forex trader privately owned and well equipped is aware of any information you have


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